#27.2 - Kria Brekkan - Bee Lxaura
Vidéo envoyée par lablogotheque
She's from Islande, with an accordeon near the Seine...,pure beauty transpires from her fragility and the depth of her sensitivity.
She's from Islande, with an accordeon near the Seine...,pure beauty transpires from her fragility and the depth of her sensitivity.
Rédigé par Estelle Radwan le 20 janvier 2007 à 17:17 dans only the truth, not clichés? | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | TrackBack (0)
Video sent by LABLOGOTHEQUE.
Nice view of quiet New York..
Rédigé par Estelle Radwan le 20 janvier 2007 à 17:15 dans only the truth, not clichés? | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | TrackBack (0)
This video was sent by LABLOGOTHEQUE. I love this idea of Take Away Concerts, from Paris (mostly in Paris though) to New York, for its generosity and for the "glances" of people passing by...
Rédigé par Estelle Radwan le 20 janvier 2007 à 17:08 dans only the truth, not clichés? | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | TrackBack (0)
Let me be clear (trying to) since you need to know where you put your feet when arriving here.
It is my friend who tells me: " I read your blog, I see many things but it is a little confusing sometimes.. it would indeed be important to define an editorial line ", another who references me as " a beautiful intimate diary ", then I stumble upon myself as " woman to follow " at Excellencia, and finally my stats explodes since Hugh links to the interview of David Sifry.
I have already said my route which can explain a little:
The life
- Some years abroad, in San Francisco, where I "banged" into the cultural differences and where I learnt to know me better as well as my community (French thus.) When we are outside of home, we learn to make less evident links. It is also there that I began to like bridges and it is not just a metaphor.
- A return in France less evident than I had dreamed about: I had to re-learn our codes, very different from those which I had to adopt in the United States. I was once again foreign but at home this time.
- The discovery of the management in a big company was a shock while I had only worked as an independent. The games of power had not touched me before, is what I believed then.
-EN(TRE)PRISES is a novel about the relations of influence (power games) in the world of companies, but also in our loving, friendly, domestic relationships... Since I eventually understood that the games of power in the company often have the same springs (vanity and fear for example?) than in these torved relations of influence which we understand however better in our loving, domestic links etc.
Internet, blogs, the revolution
-Discovering internet and blogs was a revelation to me: there was a world parallel to our reality there, which I had not suspected. At that time (almost three years ago now for me), I discovered a world of geeks (mainly men) very enthusiasts who spoke about revolution. The enthusiasm of the other one generally is enough for me to rush into the movement, I am myself very enthusiast.
-What was this revolution? That everybody would have access to the information, that all can express ourselves, that we discover the world together by sharing in an unlimited world that we could reinvent, finally free, a world freed of the dinosaurs which suffocate us (traditional media, advertisement, politics, companies, etc.) Because we could finally open our mouth and since we were numerous, the old men indeed had to tremble, they had henceforth to count with us, even thank to us! Hmmm, how tempting, no?
-So tempting that the fantasy factory began running profoundly, in a world ( the high technologies) which imposes no more limits because the sector (internet) even does not seem to have limits.
-Then the lads (once again, they are mostly men), began building us brilliant tools to allow ourselves to communicate better together and to organize us in (tight bounds) solid communities.
Well then?
-Tomorrow everybody will have his(her) blog, and the politics, the advertisement indutry, the media etc. they all adapted themselves to the new tool and already rush into the place and act with the power which they never lost in fact (they must have been a little destabilized at some point because it was necessary to move a bit heh), is it necessary to say that they have some experience of power games and these guys often win at the game.
- I saw that the world was reorganized, certainly, but that there were always the same games in this world, with new heads which succeeded in taking a little bit of power from the old men, but that's it.
-These tools are brilliant because they allow more people to express themselves all right, but how much in fact? How many are capable and really want to express themselves? How many want to participate?
-To my knowledge there is still no tool which was created so that the man wants to become better and more free. Am I wrong?
I do not know everything, but often I see tools which plays on deep instincts and don't carry strong beautiful values even if it is energizing, stimulating, offering change (and that's already a lot, ok), as the urge to be seen, listened to, well known, above, in front of, richer, expert, above all the world, better than the neighbour, etc.
-All of that is fine with me a long as we do not speak (call it) about revolution. At first because it is ugly to see those who spoke about revolution to retract in their cave without even a word of explanation, and then because that creates some disappointment for those who believed, and frankly we do not need that.
-Then because we are disappointed, don't want to be disappointed, or don't want to disappoint, sometimes I have the impression (feeling?) that in order to hold on our dreams, and because it is profitable to always the same to make us hold on our dreams ( the eternal powerful medias, politics etc.), fast fast we rush into a virtual world at top speed, just to believe in the dream always?
- Then tomorrow we all will be in a virtual world, without having changed anything?
- Tomorrow in a virtual world without loving each other better? You think we love better on Second Life? Or on Meetic?
So what am I doint here?
The editorial line, at last! (sorry I'm talking about things that are not yet into the english version, but soon will be...)
-The LADIES NIGHTS to show the reality (a small one all right) of girls so we may speak with the boys and maybe (maybe) understand each other better, a minimum and indispensable no?
- Glances of a woman on a world of geeks because I am a woman and because I have my word to be said on our future
- EN(TRE)PRISES (the novel I wrote) because I want to be read, to transmit the urge to write to others, and because it is the only good way I found to denounce and transform false appearances.
- The humors (of woman) because it is human and because the men never understand anything about our humors.
- The friends because it is the life.
- The bridges which make the links, because " the connection does not make the relation "
In brief, trying to put a little humanity to be discussed there inside (can human being be discussed ?) before the virtual world of tomorrow is only the copy paste of this one.
Well, in fact, to tell you the truth, I would like to play more often, and not anymore to these games of power, then I'm thinking that we could invent a game together, for us, a kind of " relational game ", does that interest somebody?
Is that clear now? Oups.
(as I already said, I am sorry my english is not good enough but I will continue to write and hopefully improve it as I go)
Rédigé par Estelle Radwan le 18 janvier 2007 à 12:52 dans Let me explain | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | TrackBack (0)
Bourvil and Jacqueline Maillan were both great and very popular comedians in France. This is not very new, but it has not changed either,
The song is called: "ça"
Inspired by very famous Serge Gainsbourg's song "Je t'aime, moi non plus"
Rédigé par Estelle Radwan le 09 janvier 2007 à 20:22 dans only the truth, not clichés? | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | TrackBack (0)
Bridges to strengthen the links since the connection doesn't always make the relationship, heh did you really beleive it?
The English say "never explain, never complain", as a French I just do the opposite, frequently... How is that important in our relationships?
Men never ask for help when they are lost in the city , women don't know how to read a map...is that true? Important too?
Why do I want to have an English version of HISTOIRE2FEMME?
-A dear friend has adviced to do so, and this guy knows what he's talking about (he's been doing what he says for a long time now.) His argument to do so was kind of strange to me though, he said: "French people are not good at helping each other", whereas Anglo Saxons are good at it, better altruits? Hum, let's see.
-The main reason is that English is the most spoken language on earth.
-My own reasons:
I was married to an American and learned to love the American way of life and the language that went with it, thanks to him. I stayed five years in San Francisco, and already have been back to France for nine years now. Forgot a lot of my english, didn't use it much here...I’ll try not to use translation tools, I’d rather refresh my memory and maybe take some English lessons (don’t know yet what I’ll do but for sure I will try improve my writing in your language, otherwise you might rapidly turn your back.)
San Francisco to me means the most exciting period of my life (until now!). I learned to be free there (or just a little more, which was my gold search at that time), it initiated a way that doesn’t aim at only freedom anymore, but probably tends more toward love (I don’t see an other word to describe it) somewhere hidden on the path.
One of the so many things which strickened me the most overthere was the Golden Gate Bridge, I remember precisely all my feelings when I saw it at first (hands praying, goose flash all over the body, feeling so small and huge in the same time.) It is the most impressive, elegant, light and solid red bridge that I ‘ve ever seen…it is in the most beautiful landcape, it goes from San Francisco (yes, for m it is that way) to Sausalito, but both ways it makes you penetrate into a beautiful world, beautiful in all the differences.
I love bridges in general.
Rédigé par Estelle Radwan le 09 janvier 2007 à 19:54 dans Let me explain | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | TrackBack (0)
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